Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Chaos War

In case you haven't been keeping up on recent events, a great war rages across northern Brucrumus. 
Chaos Behemoth
The Chaos War, which is currently covering three major fronts, has a lot of empires involved.  In this Grashakh Front, a major figure of the realm perished.  This was Emperor Blac'drugulois - former leader of the Orchish Empire.

The Cinazan Front is the worst battle zone of the Chaos War.   In this area, cities that fall to the Horde of Chaos become warped by the passing of creatures like the chaos behemoth.  The ruins left in the wake of the Horde are forever changed and pretty much inhabitable.   These places are coming to be called the chaos ruins for lack of better words - one example is Erchinor.   There are three other cities like this one that have been obliterated.

The Chaos War will reshape the realm, similar or different to other great wars of the past:
  • Black Tide War
  • the war between Arkhosia and Bael-Turath, ( I haven't yet put a page up for this yet or even know what to call it - if you recall, Wizard introduced this war of the dragonborn and the tieflings in 4th edition.  They left it open enough to add a lot history )  I've added a bit about the races and empires

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