Sunday, December 20, 2015

Slaad Hexos

The Slaad Hexos were six elite guards that served Torog in the Dawn War. Each of these guards was a grimlock aberration that had been mind altered to be 100% loyal to Torog. Loremasters of Torog say that the Slaad Hexos were so loyal to their master that they would throw themselves into the line of fire to protect him.

Death Slaad
The Slaad Hexos are aberrations. Each of their bodies were altered when Torog and his slave elemental miners went deep into the bowels of Bal-Kriav, deeper than even Surtur's Artery to the Decomposition String. The lead elemental earth titan, an enslaved taskmaster, warned Torgon that not even his near-divine status would protect him from the raw chaos emanating from the Decomposition String. Torog did not heed this warning, because he needed something to power a great bore-like device that he was designing. As a result of their getting close and touching the Decomposition String, Torog and the Slaad Hexos became infused with chaotic energies.

Torog, already chaotic, became more so when he plucked warp matter from the Decomposition String. His Slaad Hexos shielded their master from the chaotic tendrils that whipped about randomly. Each of these guards were struck multiple times and changed from the tendrils of chaos. One of his grimlocks fattened and elongated into a purplish worm body from the torso down to a tail with a poisonous stinger. Another's body changed to a blob of pulsating flesh with multiple flailing appendages, the only thing left of the grimlock were white orbs - with one in two of the four appendages of the monstrosity. The other four Slaad Hexos became frog-like humanoids of varying color and size.

In the God Era, angels and gods tracked down the Slaad Hexos and banished them from the Prime Material Plane. They were sent to Limbo, where successive generations called themselves the Scions of Slaadi. Somewhere along the line, this was simplified to just identifying themselves as the slaadi race. The four branches of slaadi that came from the Slaad Hexos are the death slaadi, gray slaadi, green slaadi, and the blue slaadi.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Timepiece of Chronos

The Timepiece of Chronos is an ancient relic created by Chronos.  In the Dawn War, he remained largely aloof of the conflict between the primordials and the Nawirrûs Covenant.  He was more interested in tinkering, inventing, and doing things of much smaller scale than getting involved in world and plane spanning enterprises like the Dawn War
Timepiece of Chronos

In the God Era, the primordials were no longer much of concern to the angels and gods holding the Prime Material Plane.  They now had to deal with hordes of demons seeking to carve out areas of the Prime Material Plane for themselves.  One theater of the Demon Spawn War was Hells Womb and her Underdark belly Drarthiel.  Demogorgon and his hordes sought to take Hells Womb, while his ally worked to take Drarthiel.  Demogorgon was knocked out the conflict when his egg-like transport was destroyed at Ladneg.  In the dark reaches under Hells Womb, the other demon lord had an army of seemingly endless numbers.  These demons came to this realm through a rift between the planes called the Arioch Cloud

The angels at Phollûmâ decided that they need to do something about the Arioch Cloud.  If this gate was anything like the Sôvuk Sea Gate then they would be hard pressed to take it down by force.  The chief intelligence officer at Phollûmâ was sent to meet with Loki and come up with a more clandestine plan for sealing the inter-planar gate.  Loki gave the Phollûmâ officer a device he "borrowed" from Chronos and told him that it must be taken into the rift and activated by someone willing to give themselves up for the cause. 

An elven angel named Marindecar volunteered for the task of going into the rift.  She activated the Timepiece of Chronos by giving up her divine energy.  The device not only froze the angel in time, but ended up freezing the entire Abyssal plane Arioch in timelessness.   

Turning of Tiamat

The Demon Spawn War was a war between angels, gods, demons, demon lords, and their allies. It followed on the smoldering ashes of the Dawn War. It came about because the primordials were too weak to keep a lid on what was becoming known as the Abyss. The Demon Spawn War pitted demon lords against archangels and minor gods. In what was then known as Leret do Dovah, Orcus and his demon generals battled the archangel Asmodeus and his generals. The theater of conflict between these two was known as the Hoof Front.

Overall command of the Hoof Front fell to then archangel Asmodeus. His general of this region was the platinum dragon Bahamut. They had separate commands in the Aerie of Dragons, yet worked closely on matters of strategy. In the Crab Advance, a battle to take back Hiznaar Goz, the two worked together on a combined assault against the hordes of the demon general Drurn-Adruk. This attack was spread across hundreds of miles and involved a pincer strategy with Bahamut's flying army attacking south from the Sands of Hell towards Mohak while Asmodeus led an assault east through Enkii Mah.

In one of the great one-on-one battles of the Demon Spawn War, where a leader of one side fought the leader of the other, Tiamat squared off against an ancient demon. Legend has it that the battle was fought for ten hours and spanned the length of Krent Talaav. Whem Bahamut's army reached the last southern fortifications of the valley, Tiamat invoked the Rite of Challenge. This allowed her and her alone the task of taking on the enemy's leader if it accepted the challenge. Drurn-Adruk, a demon lord spawned from the Step of Foundation, gladly accepted for he knew that even if he died, Tiamat would still suffer badly from his morality undoing talons.

The battle between Tiamat and Drurn-Adruk was a pyrrhic victory for Tiamat. Her grievous wounds were chaos infused from the demon's poisonous talons. Bahamut was able to cure many of her wounds, including the chaos tainting her soul, but could not revert the warping of her body. Tiamat's body was changed from chaotic energies which turned into something akin to a primordial hydra with five dragon heads. Bahamut and Tiamat were also unaware of a demon seed that was planted in her by Drurn-Adruk's dreadful beak. This demon seed slowly turned her evil and in time led to her abandonment of Bahamut and the angelic cause of driving the demons back to the Abyss.

The Crab Advance was a success in that it cut off the head of Orcus's armies, trapping them between the army of Bahamut and those of Asmodeus. Those demons that did not go underground or find a way to sneak through the lines were cut down by the angelic forces. The demons that could fly were easing pickings for teams of dragons which prowled the skies or stood as sentinels on peaks scanning far and wide for the enemy.

In the last battle of the Hoof Front, Orcus and an elite group of maralith captured one of the three top generals serving Asmodeus. When the gates of Ghak were breached, Orcus personally decapitated general Ellumâ Orrasar and took his head back to Naratyr. This head became the skull that sits atop the Wand of Orcus.