Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Sahuagin of Asmodeus

Asmodeus, before he was an arch-devil, and Lord of the Nine Hells, was a great military general serving the gods.  He would have become a god, if only he had shown compassion to a enemy who many think did not deserve it.

Asmodeus, before becoming a Fallen Angel
Asmodeus and the rest of the angels battled the primordials in the Dawn War, and then when the Abyss was left open by the primordial demise, the Demon Spawn War followed.  As the war dragged on, Asmodeus turned to more ruthless methods to deal with the overwhelming numbers of demons flooding out of the Abyss.  Asmodeus has said he fought true war, where pragmatism overruled political, moral, and any other concern that stood in the way of victory.  This met that he and those under his command drifted away from good or neutrality and down the path of evil.  They committed atrocities unthinkable among the angels, like the genocide of entire species - yet Asmoedus will say that doing so would end the war by a 100 years.  Asmodeus was sure of victory, defeat never entered his mind, but to achieve it he took measures that kept his masters hands clean.

When Asmodeus  was cast out by the angels and gods, he and those under his command became  Fallen Angels.  Asmodeus, cunning and wise beyond measure, made sure that if something bad befell him, then he would leave something behind to remember him by.

The sahuagin are so widely spread across your oceans because of their role in the Demon Spawn War.  They served as trackers of a demon horde dispersing across the globe.  As their numbers dwindled they broke ranks and showed their self-serving tendencies, and weakness.  When I was banished for true war, where pragmatism is the only concern, my sahuagins also changed.  They are a little something I had left in store for the gods if things went sour.

- Asmodeus, conversations with Raxcvillibus, "The Sahuagin"

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Amigar Case

The Amigar Case is not some writ in a lawyer's docket.  It was the assassination of a Nature Protectorate of Cinazan by government agents of the Khazarkar Empire.  

The Amigar Case shows the caste problems in khazrakar society and the monotheism imposed on the empire by the Pharzîmrâth.  The assassination led to a Region Censure of Cinazan by the Nature Protectorates.  During this censure, no Nature Protectorate could be appointed to Cinazan.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Zarmesh's Brain

primordials war with the demons
The Dawn War was a long conflict spanning worlds, planes and thousands of years.  It was incomprehensible in scope.   It grew so large that it became unmanageable without the aid of specially created monstrosities called disembodied thinkers.  These minions of the greatest primordials were living archives, mathematicians, and stores of all the records and activities of the primordial offensive against the gods and their angels.

One of these disembodied thinkers found its way to Bal-Kriav.  It is in a petrified state, pulled from the ruins of Mughakh-Gol by angels tasked with cleaning up the wreckage of war.  The Wardens of Bal-Kriav moved the petrified head, Zarmesh's Brain to Dulpathâra and dropped it into a swamp.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Decline of Ráglauth's Thrall

Looking at the Illithiad, it says that the illithids need one brain a month to survive.  Then there is a claim that the illithids had a capital called Penumbra which was absurd in size, being a diskworld built around a star and taking a millennia to build.  Putting the one brain a month and the impossible size of Penumbra's illithid population together, you have to think that the space around this "diskworld" must have been blotted out from all the brain-less corpses.

For the realm Bal-Kriav  -  the realm being all of what makes up the Cobalt System and the Quaratum System, Penumbra was a city-state of illithids dwelling on Ráglauth. 

Elder Brain
Ráglauth is one of the habitable moons orbiting Ghífthauk.  In the Lith-Crillion Era, eight illithid city-states reigned supreme over the moon's thrall population.  The thrall being any humanoid of any race except illithids.  The illithids dominated the moon and enslaved its humanoids.

Generations of in-breeding led to declining health and birth-rates in the thrall populations.  This led to wars between the city-states as they sought to seize their rival's thralls.  These series of conflicts are the Flayer Wars.   The victor of these wars were the Suellk.

Even with the captured thrall of their rivals, the Suellk could survive several centuries at most.  They knew this from the outset of the Flayer Wars, as did their rivals.  The Thinker and Creation Creeds worked on solutions, but only those at  Penumbra found a solution to their dilemma.  In the capture of a rival city-state, Penumbra's War Creed sought to capture the rival's elder brain.  Those that survived were then imprisoned in devices built from the innards of a still-living primordial.  These devices are  elder brain prisons called the Silver Mirrors.

The Silver Mirrors were used by the Suellk to leave Ráglauth and seek out fresh thrall.  The First Suellk Invasion and then the Second Suellk Invasion were made possible with the Silver Mirrors.