Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Obyrith Deceiver
 Perge'khas is a vast broken plane of un-melting black ice. This unnatural ice is a remnant of a glacier that long ago, rapidly advanced across Gorejun. This came about in the Dawn War when the god Moradin and the primordial Cari'phis battled it out here. Cari'phis unleashed the black ice on Bal-Kriav, where it came to look like a snaky, fast moving glacier. It served as a bridge between the Elemental Chaos and Bal-Kriav with the interior having fortresses and icy tunnels linking them up. The glacial flow was under mental control of Cari'phis, allowing her to guide it across the land at a pace that could see it cross the continent in a few years. Moradin employed a number of measures to stop the advance, the most notable being the Flaming Belt and the Moradin Jetties. These were only defensive measures, for the halting and then shrinking of the blackness only came about when the Golden Seven captured its controller.

 Upon Cari'phis's capture, she lost control of the glacial flow causing it to rapidly melt and shrink in size with the end coming when it bound itself up like a cat.

 It was Athena's decision, much to Moradin's consternation, to imprison her in Denerra, rather than dispatch her like she had done to so many.

 - Ditherra, of the Golden Seven, from the Golden Tablets, "Subdual of Cari'phis"

Today, the part that lies in central Gorejun is locked in place and no longer moves or grows in size. It is bitterly cold to the touch, yet things live on it and within it. Many of those that live here are descendants of Cari'phis's invasion force - ice mephits, frost trolls, frost giants, and ancient bestial creatures that would be classified as demons by most, but are in fact Obyriths.

Perge'khas radiates chaos and evil. This because it is composed of elemental ice infused with evil energies. The elemental ice is stuff of the Elemental Chaos, while the evil energies came from what is termed Threads of Damnation. These "threads" were tendrils of chaotic energy that worked their way outward from the Step of Foundation and then across the 666 planes that make up the Abyss.

Inside Perge'khas are snaky lines of tunnels that circle around towards the center. Along these are ruins and some intact fortresses that were made during the Dawn War and after. The residents of these places and those that prowl the tunnels or raid the lands around are generally evil to the core.

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