Saturday, November 15, 2014

Bulwark of Târulûth

The Bulwark of Târulûth is a series of towers and defenses built by the gods and their angelic armies.  They were made to stop the primordial hordes from breaking out of Regadnîn.
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Many of these defenses were engineered by Clangeddin.  At the time, this figure was but a angel, a very powerful one, member of the Golden Seven, and serving Bal-Kriav.

The defenders of this as yet unnamed world ( now called Bal-Kriav ) built great bastions to combat the often enormous size and great strength of the primordials and their armies.

Some of the bastions of the Bulwark are Aphalur, Irrai, and Nâzel.  One place, not built but "re-tooled " is Dališar.  This structure looks like a volcano, sort of acts like one, but is really an imprisoned and lobotomized primordial.

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