Friday, June 26, 2015

Constructs of the Great Expanse

The Great Expanse has long been viewed as a  frontier on maps.  The northern coastal areas was one of the few civilized areas with the halflings of the Seven Vales of the Hairfoots.  The interior was wild and untamed since as long as anyone can remember.  This changed when the Gear Monument fell through a planar rift and landed in the heart of this land.  It was cast out by the Primus because of the danger it posed to his realm.  It came to rest on Bal-Kriav, in the region of the Great Expanse.  This alien device then began to produce maugs, warforged, automations, and other constructs.  As time passed, they began to create more of their own.

One of the groups to have come to rely on the constructs for their skills in making things, like the Measure & Fortify company which specialize in fortifications is a mysterious race of beings called the rilmani.  They are a neutral race that seek to do the same things as The Balance, which is maintain some semblance of harmony and balance in the realm and among Bal-Kriav's pantheon.

One area of the Great Expanse where the rilmani leaders, the Lords of Stability are busy is that facing the northern reaches of the High Wood Country.  They employed maugs and warforged to buid a series of fortifications to contain the Tendrils of Taurquion.  These fortresses include Chain Jack, Barb Turret, and Steel Swing which look like metal-clad monstrosities that loom over the landscape, seeming like something from Mechanus rather than of the realm of Bal-Kriav.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Scales of Hurguulich

I worked on filling out some background on Syrtis's Deathguard Plate, and of course this took on a life of its own with links to a legendary green dragon named Hurguulich.  This beast didn't originally have such a wicked name, that happened after she was duped into meeting with the primordial Maen Grirngrim

You see up until that point, this primordial had been experimenting with younger and weaker dragons, all in the hopes of creating an undead dragon that would serve him.  Once this necromantic magic was perfected, he hoped to then create an army of draco-liches. 

Hurguulich became the first draco-lich.  The dark art of turning a dragon into a draco-lich has been perfected since the time of the primordials.  It no longer needs a legendary dragon for it to work, now it works on just about any dragon.