Friday, October 2, 2015

Clouds of the Broken Continent

An entire continent nearly swallowed by the Nine Tongued Worm.  Šadullu was ripped from the mantle of Bal-Kriav and drifted towards the churning rift of a primordial dreadnought.  The Nine
Monument of Šadullu
Tongued Worm had already destroyed one world, and now Bal-Kriav was on the menu.  Fortunately for those that call this world home, the gods arrived and drove the Nine Tongued Worm back to the Elemental Chaos.

Šadullu is often referred to as the Clouds of the Broken Continent.  This is because that is what it looks like from the sea or the air - an entire continent sheared from the surface, broken, and then scattered over a vast area, from a mile or so above the ocean to near airless heights into the clouds.

One of the peoples that dwell among the shattered continent is the Laupha. These storm archons once served the durkoth at the Spire of Rioch Tetrax.  When the durkoth grew flippers and gills, and crawled into the sea, the Laupha were the first to fly to freedom.  They went en-masse to Šadullu and now dwell there in the tens of thousands.

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